Your healthcare providers at Huggins Hospital want to make sure you are still getting the care you need, so if you do not feel well or are in need of a check-up, please call us so we can find the best option for you. If you need to establish with a primary care office, you can call our PATH Specialists at 603.569.7669. Or you can find your office's number here: 
Find my Doctor's Office Phone Number


To access testing, please call our COVID-19 Hotline at 603.569.7558

    Accessing COVID-19 Test Results:  When you register for an appointment to have a COVID-19 test, our staff will ask for your e-mail address. If you provide your e-mail address, you will receive an invite to one of our online patient portals. Your COVID-19 test results will be in this portal as soon as they are available. If you didn't provide your e-mail address and would like to add it now, you can call the COVID-19 Hotline and inform them. If you've set up an account, you can access the portal directly here: Huggins Hospital Patient Portal

    COVID-19 Hotline: 603.569.7558


    We have developed a special monitoring program for our patients who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The purpose of this program is to provide education, monitoring, triage, and guidance to our patients as they care for themselves at home. Our goals for this program are to monitor patients to catch any escalation before it reaches critical levels and to provide an extra resource to our patients.

    We mail each patient a free pulse oximeter for home monitoring of O2 sats. We also provide over-the-counter medications to those who cannot afford to purchase them on their own.

    Patient Intake Packet: If you have been contacted by our COVID-19 Monitoring Program Team, you can access your intake packet here. If you have any questions about this packet, you can contact our team at 603.515.2930.

    We are here for you and are happy to partner with you to monitor your health.


      Here is how you can help:

      • Seek testing if you are ill and feel you may have COVID-19.
      • Wear a mask if you are ill or have had an exposure.
      • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (this may be longer than you think so try it one time with a timer to see how long it feels).
      • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
      • Avoid being within 6 feet (close contact) of others.                  


      As a healthcare organization, Huggins Hospital has many plans in place that support preparedness and response to challenges like COVID-19 is presenting. Huggins Hospital has worked closely with other hospitals, the NH Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies throughout this pandemic.

      In response to COVID-19, we continue to plan and adjust as needed. We have the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needed and we have space for isolation and care for people with infectious diseases that allows us to care for others, safely. 

      We have comprehensive internal surge procedures to allow us to increase our bed capacity to fit the need in our community. Our Incident Command team has also planned, along with our local emergency management partners, for the possibility of a surge above our capacity that requires an Alternate Care Site (ACS). 

      You can read past information regarding our initial planning (from April 2020) here: How Huggins Hospital Prepares for Possible Surge due to COVID-19.